Developing vibrant music economies that support professional musicians, enhance communities, and support local creativity.


Michael Bracy

Founder, Music Policy Forum

Kate Becker

Creative Economy Strategist King County

Anna Harwell Celenza

Professor, Johns Hopkins University

Dani Grant

Owner & General Manager, Mishawaka Amphitheatre

Hakim Bellamy

Founder/CEO Beyond Poetry LLC and Inaugural Poet Laureate of Albuquerque, NM

Dena Morris

Advisor, The Contorta Group

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view our most recent programs below


REOPEN EVERy Venue Safely

Aligning the interests of live music stakeholders to fulfill a shared purpose.

Nineteen long months ago we launched the Reopen Every Venue Safely (REVS) initiative – an international cohort of pilot cities working in real time to prepare to reopen live music as quickly and safely as possible when the science allows. For better or for worse, music has reopened and it is time to sunset the cohort as MPF broadens our focus to the many issues related to building stronger, more resilient and more equitable music ecosystems. Of course we are not ignoring the ongoing complexities of reopening or the amazing network of collaborators that have come together through REVS – we are just moving to the next stage of work.



2020 Music Policy Forum Intensive

2020 was a year of resilience and reflection for the music community. As we head into the new year we invite you to join our community of musicians, public officials, activists, industry leaders, researchers and non-profit leaders in a hyper-pragmatic exploration of WHAT THE F... WE ARE DOING IN 2021.